Alien or not?

April 28, 2020  •  Leave a Comment


Have you ever wondered if there is life on other planets? Has your imagination gone wild with the what if and hows? Don’t feel alone. There are a lot of us out there with over imaginative minds. We came from the original generations that grew up with Star Wars. The one where William Shatner was still young and dashing. You weren't part of the crowd unless you had used the phrase  ‘Beam me up Scotty’ at least once!  Now a days we have a different type of alien world to deal with, but enough about that. Time hasn't really been an issue lately and I had nothing to do yesterday other than sit in my backyard and browse possibilities.  Did I want to battle the breeze ? Though very refreshing, its' periodic blast of air would make photographing anything a bit tricky. The other choice was just to sit, relax and enjoy the colors and aromas of all the flowers that were just starting to bloom.  Oh that orange tree with it's fragrant smell was heaveningly!  As it ended up, I did a little bit of it all.  I relaxed in the yard, and  basked in the present. I then closed my eyes and let my imagination go. The yard was coming alive with color and after awhile the lure was just too much. Each variety of plant had something to offer. I’ve always felt that the center of a flower has a runway and at the helm is a little alien pilot.  Iris, snapdragons, and orchids are good examples of this.  Does it look that way to you too?  In reality the anatomy of a plant is simply geared towards reproduction. The bright runway is meant as an attractive ‘come hither’ to the local pollinators. Take a look around your own yard, or when doing a neighborhood walk and see if you can spot those little aliens behind the wheel.  Enjoy some of my finds.

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