The art of photographic art

February 01, 2020  •  Leave a Comment


The Art of photographic art                       

You have taken the image.  Now what can happen to set it apart?  The way that the photograph is processed and presented can have a huge impact on the perceptions of potential buyers.  

In photography, photoshop can be used to enhance the image.  Wrinkling your nose at the word? Don’t kid yourself, 99% of serious photographers have used photoshop or another sort of software to some degree. It’s the degree used that pushes a ‘’natural’’ looking image to something with a simple enhancement or goes a step further utilizing a technique that pushes the image over to the surreal. 

Dodging, burning, texture, color can change the whole feeling of the image. Take Zebras for example. Stripes going every which way add intrigue and a sense of wild abandonment. While the basic image may be one of value, it takes on a whole other dimension when texture and color are added.  That color pop can give your photo that needed ‘seven- second’ edge towards a sale.  

After the shoot, I enjoy playing with an image to see where the potential may lay.  Sometimes it will only take a few seconds to see what direction I will go with it, other times, hours if not days. The extra bonus is it’s fun and  amuses me while my significant other watches football.

 See how the Zebra image changes with the different techniques and then decide for  yourself which is the one that catches your eye! In this case follow the white!    

First impressions matter — a lot! You only get one shot to make a first impression. I’m of a mind that the same theory applies to the first impression of ‘art’ as does when you are interviewing for a job. While the studies don’t agree on one specific number – they all agree that you have less than 30 seconds to impress someone. Some studies even state that you have only ‘seven- seconds’ before someone makes a judgement.  For paintings or photography that ‘seven-seconds’ can equate to whether the viewer stops and decides if the art is worth a second look or better yet, a purchase.

After deciding on the post processing mode, the photo needs to be matted or framed in a way that isolates the image giving it a sense of importance.  Just like post processing techniques, presentation methods also will give a total different feel to the image. Canvas and Metal give an entirely different feeling and not all images lend themselves to those mediums. 

People act on their perceptions as much as on their knowledge so the wow factor in processing and presenting is an important one!   

Want to see the finished Zebra products?  Visit Aegis Gallery Saratoga-two examples will be up Feb-April.  

For more realistic landscape of natural beauty  check out Reflections Elegante Gallery in Willow Glen!



Zebrauntitled shoot-1031-EditZebrauntitled shoot-1031-Edit









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