Photo of the month July

July 13, 2019  •  1 Comment

untitled shoot-2065-Edituntitled shoot-2065-EditYou would find musicians scattered throughout the area

I visited a few other photographer's websites and saw a few featured 'photo of the week' blogs.  Well, that's a little too aggressive for me, so I'm going to try for photo of the month, and if that doesn't work, then photo of the every other month:)  This will give me an opportunity to share with you one photo that I feel has an interesting story.  

I'm still traversing around the Cuba photos and there were two photos that were a toss up.  As Len is a musician, I settled on this one.  I think the beauty of street photography is how it gives the photographer an opportunity to focus on the story telling.  While a lot of it is what if's, some of it is the hard truth but the fact is, imagination will always play into a good story.

This subject was intense on his clarinet playing.   He handled the instrument like a mother would a baby.  Careful, caressing and loving.  For my purpose, he couldn't have been situated in a better location.  That blue background made everything pop.  I loved the old worn letter case next to him which also indicated the number of years he had engaged with his talent. So in my mind, this old man leaves his wife behind in their modest living accommodations to wearily shuffle to town. Every day, he goes to the same spot where he sits on the curb. The clarinet is his only companion. With her in hand, the music he makes surrounds him in pleasant peaceful solitude.  Notice there is no jar for tips anywhere to be seen.





Karen Franzenburg(non-registered)
This is a moving shot. This man obviously loves music.
He has found a certain peace within.

Thank you for sharing a part of your travels and love
of photography.
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