Tis the season

December 01, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Here come the holidays and with it a time to pause and reflect on the things we are thankful and grateful for. 

We all have so much going on, that it’s easy to whiz through the day without taking a moment to think about the good things in our life.   The sun was out today, the warmth, the brightness all gave me a reason to pause and think about all that I am thankful for. Family, Love, Friends, health, and all of the comforts that makes getting up in the morning easy.

I am so thankful for the opportunity of getting out each day to be a part of nature, and to be a silent witness of the day. Photography has its time and place and for the most part I am simply being in tune with what is around me. Nature is like an empty palette.  To fill it or not, is my choice.  Sometimes it is better to just sit, but then there are those times that I find myself muttering 'Oh I wish I had my camera.'   A silhouette of migrating birds winging by or a deer appearing from a grove of trees and the urge to capture that grace instantly wells up inside.    

The other day Len and I did a spontaneous trip to Monterrey.  Neither of us had been on the scenic 17 mile drive in ions and decided to splurge the $10.50 charge and go for it.  It didn’t take me long to realize that this was one of those moments to be thankful for.  The weather was great, and seeing the old sights after many years was a real treat.  The lone Cyress was still there as was the rock that harbored multitudes of hungry seals barking up a storm. Sometimes the time is right,sometime it fleets by but the experience and warm feeling of realization that you are a witness remains.  With all said and done, simply be thankful for the here and now.  Happy Holidays to all!






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